I'm not the best writer and it has kept me from posting lots instagram posts about how I feel or keeping up with a (public) journal of sorts but when Jay was born I journaled almost every day for over 4 months and then after that weekly if not monthly. I was so confused what had happened to us and why we had such hard baby. Every baby born after us, I waited with hesitation that they would some how talk about and go through what we were going through but they all seemed to enjoy every minute and not mention that their baby screamed all day every day- I was exhausted so I journaled in case the doctor asked specifics and I could reference it. Now I love journaling, it is the best release for me. I don't keep up with it like I want to but when I do, everything becomes clear.
As this new year approaches I can't help but have a few goals. I want to do one thing and it is to get better at photography. It is something I get so frustrated with and respect in others and really really want to get good at. My goal is to take one good photo a day, I am thinking of posting my top three each week on instagram and here. Hoping it will be fun!
I also hope to work on being more confident in all areas of my life. I realize that no one likes a copy cat and most can see right through it so I'm hoping to follow my heart and be proud of my own style deep in side of me. I hope to be confident in my work, as a mom, a wife and friend and also in myself- truly in myself.